It’s Finals Week and I Can't Stop Playing Unbeatable.

3 min readJun 5, 2021

Next week is finals week, and I should be studying like a good college student. But I can’t. I’m too addicted to this rhythm game, Unbeatable, by D-CELL games. Wait, sorry, I’m addicted to this free DEMO called, Unbeatable “[White Label],” by D-CELL games and I haven’t been able to put it down.

The core gameplay of Unbeatable is simple. In fact, the game only requires two buttons. You control Beat, the pink-haired girl at the center of the action, and thwack notes that come from either the top or bottom lanes along to the rhythm of each song. Sounds simple enough, right?


Well…not exactly. Notes, as is the case with most rhythm games, can have unique traits depending on the type of note. Sometimes you have to hit notes on both lanes at the same time, hold notes for extended periods of time, and sometimes the camera zooms out, forcing you to handle a flurry of notes coming from all directions. You know, mechanics very typical in rhythm games.

By the way, in case you haven’t noticed yet, Unbeatable’s anime-inspired presentation is oozing with personality and color. When I first started playing, I was worried I wouldn’t be able to focus clearly on each note, but I was able to get into a solid groove after about an hour of playing the game.

Speaking of which, the soundtrack for this game is amazing. Like seriously, listen to this track. One track had me grooving along to something that reminded me of the rock-filled “Scott Pilgrim vs The World” while the next track reminded me of the electronic vibes from the soundtrack of “Jet Set Radio Future.”

Also, I forgot to mention, on top of being an excellent rhythm game, Unbeatable is also an adventure game. The game takes place in a world where music is outlawed. You follow Beat and her band on their quest to bring music back into the world. The currently released demo titled, Unbeatable “[White Label]” is advertised as the first part of a six-part side story set in the world of Unbeatable. I haven’t dug into the story as much as I would like to, but I want to know more about the world Beat finds herself in.

If rhythm games are your jam, you owe it to yourself to try the free demo currently on Steam or Additionally, D-CELL games just held a very successful Kickstarter campaign, where you can find more information on Unbeatable if you are interested. But seriously, listen to the soundtrack for this game.

